Care Reimagined to Serve Foster Children & Their Support Team

Protecting Foster Children With Strong Support Systems


The Fort Foster House is caring for foster children in a structure that welcomes children, siblings, and more in Forsyth County.


Kids Need Family. Families Need Support.

The Best Care Is Wrap Around Care.

Our approach to foster care is designed to support both foster children and foster parents in a full circle of wrap-around care.


83% of Foster Parents quit after the first placement, whereas 90% of foster parents that have "wrap-around" care stay in the game.

Full Wrap-Around Support.

Providing care for foster children is best accomplished with a full circle of care of the foster parents through a support system.

Reduced Financial Burdens.

The rising cost of home ownership prevents many young families from their hope to serve young foster children. The Fort provides a way.

Scalable Solution.

The Fort Foster Care not only will work in Forsyth County as a ground-breaking model debut, but prove a solution that can bring hope beyond.

We Can’t Ignore The Need Any Longer.

The debut Fort Foster Care home will be in Forsyth county where 50% of children are placed in homes outside of the county due to availability.

This is our backyard, and our city’s biggest need is foster care.



Partner With Us

Learn How You Can Help The Fort - Foster Home.


Our team needs all types of skills, partners, and advocates to help create a new foster home that is built to provide children with the best future.

How can you get involved? We’re looking for a variety of partners at varying degrees of scale.


Want to Protect Children’s Futures?

Join us and fight to give children and foster parents a sustainable solution and a home to flourish.

The Fort is actively fundraising to build a full-care foster homes and invite you to partner with us.